KS1 have had a lovely afternoon visiting St Nicholas Church and talking to Reverend Paul. Rev. Paul told them all about how they recognise Advent in church and they even sang some Christmas songs. The children listened so well, sang beautifully, and asked lots of insightful questions!
Children from KS1 and KS2 took a wintry Christmas walk to St Nicholas’ Church this morning. Once there, the children sung some of their favourite Christmas songs in this beautiful environment and talked with Rev. Paul about how Christians celebrate Christmas.
Rev. Paul was very impressed with some of the questions relating to the church itself.
All of the children were so impeccably behaved and are a real credit to our school!
Thank you Rev Paul.
This morning, Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) took a wintry Christmas walk to St Nicholas’ Church. Once there, the children sung some of their favourite Christmas carols in this beautiful environment and talked with Reverend Paul about how Christians celebrate Christmas.
Reverend Paul was very impressed with some of the questions relating to the church itself.
All of the children were so impeccably behaved and are a real credit to our school!

Each year group posed a question to Rev. Paul relating to their current topic questions for R.E. Watch the video below to see his answers.
Look out for a special guest appearance from Maisie the dog too!
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This morning Class 5 and Class 7 enjoyed a trip to St Nicholas’ Church. They learned about how Christians celebrate Christmas, and asked Rev. Paul some questions relating to the church itself.
All of the children were so impeccably behaved and are a real credit to our school!

Year 2 have been finding out about why a Synagogue is a special place for Jews. They learnt about different features found in this place of worship and were able to write sentences to describe how these features were used.

We also found out about Jewish foods eaten during festivals celebrated at the Synagogue.