Class 8 is a Year 3 class taught by Mr Gordon and supported by Miss Bailes.
Welcome to Class 8!
Friday 27th October- Lower Key Stage 2 Harvest Performance.
The school day for KS2 children commences at 8:30am and finishes at 3:15pm.
Children in Class 8 will be collected by a member of staff from the side gate (Hindmarch Drive) at 8:30am and taken to their classroom.
During pick up you can collect your child from our classroom fire door. Gates will open at 3:10pm for pickup at 3:15pm. If you need to collect your child any earlier you must report to the office.
All pupils are entitled to milk, either free or paid, however paid milk MUST be paid on Parent Pay. Please see the school office if you need help using Parent Pay.
Reading is a hugely important part of our curriculum, and we ask that you aim to read with your child at least 3 times per week (and sign their school reading diaries). Children who have read to an adult 3 times in a week will receive a sticker or stamp on their own personal reading bookmark. Once they fill their bookmark they will receive a special reward!
P.E. for Class 8 in the Autumn term will be on a Friday where we will Dance with Miss Skiggs, we will also have Swimming on a Monday.
On P.E. Days, children will need to bring the correct P.E. kit. This should be kept on their pegs for the half term in case of any timetable changes:
• Plain white t-shirt (with or without school logo)
• Navy or black jogging bottoms/leggings or shorts
• Black or white trainers
• School hoodie or plain navy hooded top (optional)
• Swimming costume, Towel (hat/goggles optional)
Morning Maths
In Class 8 we will complete daily morning maths sessions some based on times tables and some core maths skills. These may include recapping methods taught in maths, recalling key number facts, or times tables. Children are able to practise these skills at home using TopMarks Maths Games or Times Table Rockstars.
Termly Topics
Our topics for the Autumn 1 half term are as follows:
Literacy and Guided Reading: Journey by Aaron Becker.
Maths: Place Value/ Addition and Subtraction.
Dimensions: That’s All Folks (History of Animation)
R.E: How do Hindu’s worship?
PE: Swimming and Dance
PSHE: Staying Safe on the Internet
French: Greetings
Please see our Curriculum pages for each year group’s long term planning.
Any questions please sent me a message on Class Dojo.
Important links: