Our vision and values
Our Vision
We aim to provide a happy, supportive community school, which promotes excellence, enabling all members to experience achievement and success within a caring environment.
Our Mission
Today and every day we will work together to enable everyone to succeed and become responsible citizens of tomorrow. We will encourage independent, creative thinkers and learners.
Our Values
Children will learn in a mutually respectful, happy learning environment, based on patience, fairness, consistency and understanding.
We hope to engender in our pupils:
- A desire to do their best for others and themselves
- A respect for others’ values, beliefs, aspirations and property
- The confidence and self-respect to exhibit positive behaviour both in and out of school.
- We will use our professional expertise to promote and maintain an effective and respectful partnership within the school community.
- This will be based on high expectations, honesty and trust, courtesy, consistency and fairness.
Our School Aims
Successful Learners Through the enjoyment of learning, develop enquiring minds in order to process information, reason, question and evaluate, enabling all children to achieve the best they can now and in the future.
Confident Individuals Become increasingly independent, are able to take the initiative and organize themselves, showing a willingness to try new things and making the most of opportunities.
Responsible Citizens Are enterprising and well prepared for life and able to work co-operatively in a diverse, multi-faith/cultural society.
Take account of and respect the needs of present and future generations in the choices they make and know that they can change things for the better.
Our school provides:-
- A friendly, happy, secure and stable environment
- High levels of pupil engagement.
- High standards in academic achievement for all pupils.
- High expectations of behaviour with the emphasis on positive reinforcement of good work, effort and behaviour.
- High degrees of collaborative work amongst the staff to ensure the aims of the school are met
- Parental involvement in a wide variety of ways both within and outside the class
- A positive interaction between home and school.
To achieve this, the school aims to help pupils: –
- Attain a high standard of achievement, satisfaction and enjoyment in all areas of the curriculum.
- Grow in self-confidence, have a sense of personal worth and be able to adapt to the changing world in which they live.
- Mix with their peers and adults, to communicate feelings and share experiences, building a better understanding and mutual respect for each other
- Apply themselves to tasks individually and as contributing members of a team.
- Develop a set of moral values, understand the world in which they live and respect the views of others, tolerating different opinions and beliefs whether racial, religious or political
- Develop lively, enquiring minds with the ability to communicate their fin
- Be aware of and take an interest in the beauty and wonder of the world around them and recognize the need for conservation.
School Rules
The School Rules are an integral aspect of all areas of school life. They are used as the basis for teaching values which we think are important in modern day society. Hopefully, they will help our children develop into good global citizens of the future.
- We are respectful and fair to everyone
- We are polite and well mannered
- We help each other
- We come to school, on time, every day
- We do our homework
- We are focused and concentrate
- We try our best and never give up
- We wear our uniform with pride.
We expect children to follow the rules whenever they represent our school.
House points
We operate a house point system to reward good behaviour, effort, good work and collaboration. Each child is a member of a coloured house which has a House Captain and a Vice Captain. The Captains nominate themselves and are chosen by their peers through a voting system. Each week the Captains collect the house points and the weekly totals are shared in celebration assembly. Every term the winning house chooses a treat as part of their celebration.