School day for all children begins 8:30am and ends at 3:15pm. This amounts to 32.5 hours per week.

Within our school day we stick to the same timetable across the school, with some slight deviations depending on the key stage.


A typical day at West Boldon:

Assembly takes place at 9am every day in the school hall.

Children go to Phonics / Spelling groups at 9:20am each day.

This is followed by Maths at 10am and Literacy at 11:15am (with breaktime 11am-11:15am).

Lunch is from 12:15pm – 1:15pm.

The afternoons are more flexible as this is when we teach our thematic curriculum, Dimensions. Some days children will learn science, other days it may be Geography or History.

French, PSHE, RE, and PE are taught discretely each week.

Hometime is at 3:15pm for all children.