Our school rules
It is important that children know and keep the school rules. To achieve a GOLD AWARD children will need to consistently keep the school rules.
All children will work towards collection of a collection of bronze, silver and gold awards for consistently demonstrating our Gold Standards. Children can ‘collect’ one award each term and, by the final term, should have a full set. They can then wear these awards on their ‘excellence sash ’with pride. Teachers will encourage children to come to their own decision about whether they deserve their awards. Any child not achieving their award will have a discussion with their class teacher or a senior staff member to identify how they will improve their behaviour or learning moving forward in order to achieve their award the following term.
Our Gold Standards complement our school rules and these are our guiding principles for learning and behaviour. We have high expectations for our pupils and our rules reflect our strategies for success. Our Gold Standards are visible around school and in classrooms and are revisited in assemblies and children are rewarded for following our Gold Standards through house point rewards and star of the week certificates.