Welcome to Adventurers 2
Adventurers 2 are our Year 4 classes.
Class 9 – Mr Cairns, supported by Mrs Chapman
Class 10 – Miss Smith. supported by Mrs Wigham.
Drop off and pick up
Children in Year 4 start school at 8:30am. The children will be collected from the main gate next to the car park.
All children finish at 3.15pm
Class 9 will leave via the main prefab door, while Class 10 will leave by their classroom side door.
Milk and Snack
KS2 pupils are entitled to milk, either free or paid, however paid milk MUST be paid on Parent Pay. Please see the school office if you need help using Parent Pay.
The children are welcome to bring a healthy snack to eat at playtime.
Monday (Outdoor)
Friday (Outdoor)
Children need to keep P.E. kit on their pegs for the half term.
Children must have the appropriate PE kit in school which consists of:
· Plain white t-shirt (with or without school logo)
· Navy or black jogging bottoms/leggings or shorts
· Black or white trainers
· School hoodie or plain navy hooded top (optional)
Reading and Homework
Reading is extremely important, and we ask that you aim to read with your child at least 3 times per week.
The children should record a short sentence in their reading record about what they have read, including the page they have read – at least THREE times per week. If they would like to read and record more synopsis, We will be very happy teachers!
(Parents need not sign the reading diaries but should keep a check that children are recording their reading.)
Children will be given a spelling list each week. These lists are based on the spelling rules they have been learning in class.
Children should also ensure that they practise their times tables FREQUENTLY.
Children should access Times Tables Rockstars online for at least 30 minutes per week. Regular, specific tasks will also be set on TTRS – parents will be alerted to tasks being set via Class Dojo.
Statutory Testing
Towards the end of Year 4, children will complete the Multiplication Times tables Check (MTC)
For more information about the MTC, please follow the link below
Our Autumn 1 topics are as follows:
Literacy– The Lost Happy Endings
Maths– Place Value, area
Learning means the world– Lightning Speed
French– Welcome to School
RE– Why is the Bible important to Christians?
PSHE – Internet Safety
Guided Reading – The Lost Happy Endings & Gorilla or The Nothing To See here Hotel
PE– Ball Skills and Fundamental skills
Please see our Curriculum pages for each year group’s long term planning
Important links: