Unfortunately we have another positive case of COVID in Year 6. This means the children must self-isolate, and won’t be able to return to school this academic year – an absolutely awful way for them to have to end their time at West Boldon. To say we are disappointed is an understatement.
Some home learning tasks for this period have been assigned on your child’s Seesaw. Year 6 staff encourage all children to access Seesaw wherever possible to read the tasks as there are internet links and videos to support their home learning.
Seesaw is accessible on smart phones via the ‘Seesaw Class’ app or using an internet browser on laptops and computers at seesaw.me. All tasks can be completed on paper and do not need to be completed on Seesaw unless the children wish to do this. Teachers will also give feedback to tasks where possible through the Seesaw.
Please find below a list of resources and tasks for Year 6 for home learning during the period 15th July – 23rd July 2021.
Please note that this will be added to during the time your child’s year group is closed.
Year 6 children can also join their teachers and classmates on Zoom calls – watch out for the links on Dojo!
Don’t forget you can also use these apps below. Click on the icons to take you to the login pages. If you need a reminder of any login information please contact the school.