ear 6 children who all loved their cards.
Our school gives the year sixes a clap of honour each year to celebrate all their hard work over the last 7 years. It’s a rite of passage. Today was no different and is something that these children will remember for the rest of their lives. Westies for life.
John, a kind and dedicated coach from Westoe Rugby Club, visited our school on Wednesday morning to present trophies and medals to our children. John regularly volunteers his time to coach our pupils at West Boldon Primary School, providing expert tutelage under his skillful direction. His efforts have been instrumental, with some of our former pupils going on to represent Westoe Rugby Club thanks to his keen eye for talent.
John’s generosity extends beyond the rugby field. If you ever see him in Asda or Tesco raising money for Cancer charities, please consider donating any of your loose change to the charities that mean so much to him. Our children are truly fortunate to benefit from John’s commitment and kindness.
WOW!!! What a turnout for the summer fair. As parents you always support our school and yesterday was no different. A huge shoutout to the staff for giving up their time to make this event so successful. We raised a massive £1650!!!! Thank you so much!
What a busy day! We started off with out first ever Rocksteady concert, this was fantastic and to think that these children have only been playing since Easter! We then had a staff BBQ at lunchtime followed by the annual staff vs Year 6 rounders match. This is always keenly contested and today was no different! For once the staff actually achieved a deserved victory.
We had a great transition morning; all the children were so excited to see their new classrooms and meet their teachers for next year.
It has been so nice to build closer links with all our feeder nurseries this year and help the new Reception intake settle in so much better in September. The children had a chance to see their new teachers and their new classrooms. It was lovely!
We are so proud of our Year 6’s. Today was SATs results day. The children have all worked so hard and have all achieved so much. We know that regardless of what the children have achieved they are all going to go on and do great things in life. Well done Year 6!
The weather was perfect today and enabled us to hold both Rec/KS1 and KS2 Sports Days. The children loved trying their best to be the fastest and we had huge support from our parents/carers as usual. We know the children will sleep well tonight!
We held a fabulous ‘star’ of the week assembly on Friday. It was nice to hear how the children have been demonstrating Gold standard behaviour and work.